539 research outputs found

    Unemployment duration, unemployment benefits and recalls

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    We use administrative micro-data to investigate exits from unemployment of benefit recipients in Spain. Because the data allow us to distinguish between transitions to a new job and recall to the same employer, we apply a competing risks model with observed and unobserved heterogeneity. We are also able to control for the type of benefit received by the worker: insurance benefit or assistance benefit. We find significant differences between the new job hazard and the recall hazard. Both hazard rates increase around the time that insurance benefit elapses. We also find that when larger firms recall unemployed workers they tend to do so faster than smaller firms. In general, our results are consistent with predictions derived from search and implicit contract models. They highlight the importance of taking into account the possibility of recall in the analysis of unemployment duration among unemployment benefit recipients

    Exits from unemployment : recall or new job

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    This paper studies transitions out of unemployment in Spain distinguishing between recall to the same employer and reemployment in a new job. We use a large sample of newly unemployed workers obtained from Social Security records for Spain. These data contain information about each individual's employer identy before and after the unemployment spell. A discrete-time duration model with competing risks of exits serves us to investigate the factors that influence the probabilities of leaving unemployment to return to the same employer or to find a new job with a different employer. We find that the route to exit unemployment is determinant to understand the influence of individual an job characteristics on the hazard rate, as well as the latter dependence on unemployment duration. The recall hazard rate exhibits positive duration dependence during the first months and negative duration dependence thereafter (it is larger for females), while the new-job hazard presents positive duration dependence (it is larger for males

    Unemployment benefits and recall jobs in Spain : a split population model

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    We study unemployment insurance benefit recipients’ transitions out of unemployment, focusing on whether they are recalled to the previous employer. For this purpose, we develop a split population model of the recall decision by employers, since only a portion of unemployed workers is ever recalled. Age, qualification, contract type, previous tenure and wage levels, and the level of benefits are important determinants of both whether and when a recall to the previous employer is initiate

    Características del emplazamiento, Petrología y Geoquímica de Espessartitas en el Plutón de la Maladeta: estudio preliminar

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    [Resumen] Los diques de lamprófidos espessartíticos son frecuentes en el plutón circunscrito de La Maladeta (Pirineos Centrales, Huesca-Lérida). Su emplazamiento, se produjo bajo unas condiciones confinadas y con un control estructural, afectando a todos los litotipos plutónicos (Cuarzo-Gabros, Granodioritas, Tonalitas y Sienogranitos) y, también a las etapas filonianas ácidas (Aplita y Pegmatitas). La composición mineral (con destacado contenido en anfíboles de composición hornblenda pargasítica) y la Geoquímica, definen una afinidad calco-alcalina cuya signatura en elementos mayores y trazas, es bastante análoga a la óbtenida en lamprófidos similares, emplazados en macizos granodioríticos. Esta afinidad presenta una relación genética con la granodiorita, como término volumétricamente más representativo del Macizo.[Abstract] Lamprophyric dykes (Spessartites) are frequent in the Maladeta circumscribe plutonic massif (Central Pyrenees, Huesca-Lérida). The setting of these dykes, under confinant strains and with a structural control, affected to á1l the plutonic rocktypes (Quanz-Gabbros, Granodiorites, Tonalites and Syenogranites) and to the acid dykes (Aplites and Pegmatites) too. The mineral (with high contents in Pargasitic-Hornblende amphiboles) and geochemical compositions, define a calc-alkaline affinity, very similar (Major and trace elements) to that of analogue lan prophyres, set in Granodioritic massifs. This affinity shows a genetic relation with the Granodiorite, as volumetrically most representative rock-type in the massif

    Re-employment probabilities of unemployment benefit recipients

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    This article studies transitions out of unemployment for benefit recipients in Spain. We analyse the duration of unemployment, distinguishing between spells that end in recall (workers returning to the previous employer) and spells that end in exit to a new job. This distinction allows us to find that the recall hazard rate increases around the time of exhaustion of benefits. However, this happens only for workers receiving Unemployment Insurance (UI). Because we are unable to replicate this result for workers receiving Unemployment Assistance (UA), we believe the finding lends support to the hypothesis that in Spain firms and workers make a strategic use of UIPublicad

    Petrology of the Maladeta granitoids ln the Tahüll-Lago Negro sector (Lérida)

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    [Resumen] El Macizo plutónico de La Maladeta (Huesca-Lérida) corresponde, en su sector central (Tahül1-lago Negro), a un plutón circunscrito, cuyo carácter polifásico, está representado por los cuatro pulsos siguientes: a) los Cuarzo-Gabros, ubicados en su extremo sur, b) las Granodioritas que, con contenidos variables en anfíbol y biotita, comprenden, en conjunto, el volumen dominante y el pulso más representativo, c) las tonalitas con alto contenido en biotita y, por último, d) los sienogranitos (de dos micas) situados en su zona más central. La composición modal y, en especial, el análisis químico de las fases minerales principales (piroxeno, anfíbol, plagioclasa, biotita, moscovita y feldespato) corroboran una evolución magmática gradual, desde las composiciones más indiferenciadas (Cuarzo-Gabros) hasta las más tardías (Sienogranitos). Se observa una buena correspondencia entre la evolución petrologica (a nivel espacia!) y la de composición mineral, obtenidas por nosotros, con la secuencia de edades radiométicas (Rb/ Sr y U/Pb) determinadas por MICHARD-VITRAC, A. el al, (1980). Esta zonación tiene, a su vez, una muy buena correspondencia con las pautas de evolución geoquímica (elementos mayores y trazas) obtenidas en estudios preliminares (ARRANZ, E., 1991; ARRANZ, E. el al., 1991 a, by c).[Abstract] The Maladeta plutonic Massif (Huesca-Lérida) corresponds, in its central area (Tahül1-Lago Negro), to a circumscribed pluton wich, with multiepisodic character, is represented by the fol1owing four pulses: a) the Quartz-Gabbros, located in its southern extreme brim, b) the Granodiorites that, with variable amount in amphibole and biotite, consist, as a whole, the dominant volume and the most representative pulse, c) the biotite-rich Tonalites and, lastly, d) the syenogranites (with two micas), located in its centermost point. The modal composition and, special1y, the chemical analysis in main mineral phases (pyroxene, amphibole, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite, and feldspar), confirm a gradual magmatic evolution, from' a more indifferentiate composition (Quartz-Gabbross) to the latest (Syenogranites). There exists a good correspondence between the petrological and mineralogical composition, obtained by us, with the sequence of radiometric dates (Rb/Sr and U/Pb) analysed by MICHARD-VITRAC el al., (1980). The petrological zonation has, in turn, a very good correspondence with the pattern of magmatic evolution (major and trace elements) obtained in preliminary studies (ARRANZ, E., 1991; ARRANZ, E. el al., 1991 a, b y c)

    Composition and barometric implications of the amphiboles from the Maladeta plutonic complex (Central Pyrenees, Huesca-Lérida)

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    [Abstract] The composition of the amphiboles in basic rocks (gabbros and diorites), granodiorites, monzogranites with minor amphibole and mafic microgranular enclaves from the Maladetta massif, corresponds to calcic terms (magnesioHornblende, actinolitic hornblende and actinolite), with reduced values ofAl tot• The main substitutional types are edenite, pargasite and Ti-Tschermakite, with other minor types, generating compositions with an AIIV excess. The application of three of the proposed calibrations for the Altot in Horblende geobarometer, gives anomalously low pressure values for the cristallyzation of the plutonic rock-types, suggesting that the amphibole crystals were formed below 2 Kbar of pressure, and in a continous way to subsolidus conditions,probably at the same time as AI-saturating phases formed

    Effect of biochar amendment on morphology, productivity and water relations of sunflower plants under non-irrigation conditions

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    páginas.-- 6 figuras.-- 2 tablas.-- 56 referencias.-- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2016.07.037.Three biochars (B1: pine wood, B2: paper-sludge, B3: sewage-sludge) produced under controlled pyrolysis conditions and one produced in kilns (B4: grapevine wood) were used as organic ameliorants in a Calcic Cambisol, which represents a typical agricultural soil of the Mediterranean region. This field study was performed with plants of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) at the experimental station “La Hampa”, located in the Guadalquivir river valley (SW Spain). The soil was amended with doses equivalent to 1.5 and 15 t ha− 1 of the four biochars in two independent plantations. In addition, un-amended plots were prepared in both experiments for comparison purposes. The major goal of this study was the assessment of the effect of biochar amendment on the physiology and development of sunflower plants at field conditions. During most of the growing period plants of un-amended and amended plots showed no stress symptoms either by their appearance or by stress-sensitive biochemical parameters such as the stability of the photosystem II (QY). Biochar addition had no effect on seed germination. Addition of 1.5 t ha− 1 biochar did not significantly change the pH of the soil, its electrical conductivity (EC) or its water holding capacity (WHC). Concomitantly the plant development and plant biomass production remained unaltered. Amendments with 15 t ha− 1 slightly increased the WHC of the soil but showed no lasting impact on the soil pH. It stimulated plant growth and led to a greater leaf area, larger plant stems and wider inflorescences of the sunflower plants than those cultivated on the un-amended soil. At the end of the experiment, biochar amendment of soil caused no significant increase of the total biomass production excepting B4, the biochar with the lowest capacity of water retention, which exhibited the highest vegetative growth and seed production. The lack of rain during the last weeks caused a water shortage in the culture that produced greater QY loss in non-amended plants. Interestingly, better growth of amended plants during the drought period correlated with higher reduction of stomatal conductance, indicating that the greater water use efficiency is at the origin of the better crop performance of biochar-amended plants. This finding points to the agronomic relevance of biochar amendment of Mediterranean rain fed crops.The Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions of the European Union's FP7 People Programme (REA grant agreement no PCIG12-GA-2012-333784-Biocharisma project) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (project PCGL2012-37041) are thanked for the financial support of the present study. The Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport is acknowledged for funding the FPU fellowship (FPU 13/05831) of Marina Paneque, and the contract of Juan De Dios Franco-Navarro (AGL2009-08339/AGR). The European Biochar Network (Biochar as option for sustainable resource management-COST action TD1107) and Bodegas Torres (Spain) are acknowledged for providing the biochar samples. M. Velasco is gratefully acknowledged for her technical assistance at field.Peer reviewe

    Rodilla flotante: Revisión retrospectiva de 24 casos

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    Se realiza una evaluación retrospectiva de 24 pacientes tratados de fracturas ipsilaterales de fémur y tibia. Solo en 7 (29%) casos esta lesión no se acompañaba de otras lesiones asociadas. Los resultados se han evaluado según la escala modificada de Thorensen y cols. (1985). El tipo de fractura fue muy polimorfo. Se realizó tratamiento definitivo de ambos huesos en la urgencia en 5 casos, en 7 casos se hizo tratamiento definitivo en tibia y provisional del fémur, y en 12 casos el tratamiento de urgencias fue provisional para ambas fracturas. Los resultados finales fueron buenos en 16 casos (67%), regulares en 6 (25%) y malos en 2 (8%). La estancia media de estos pacientes disminuyó, cuando se hizo tratamiento definitivo en urgencias.A retrospective evaluation of 24 patients with "floating knee" was done. Only in 7 (29%) cases this lesion was not associated to other lesions. The results have been evaluated according to the modified scale of Thorensen et al. (1985). The fracture pattern was very variable. One stage surgical treatment was carried out in 5 cases, in 7 cases definitive treatment was applied to the tibia and provisionally to the femur, and in 12 cases the treatment made in the emergency was provisional for both fractures. The final results were good in 16 cases (67%), fair in 6 (25%) and bad in 2 (8%). The length of hospital stay decreased when definitive treatment was made at once

    The Structure of a Biologically Active Influenza Virus Ribonucleoprotein Complex

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    The influenza viruses contain a segmented, single-stranded RNA genome of negative polarity. Each RNA segment is encapsidated by the nucleoprotein and the polymerase complex into ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs), which are responsible for virus transcription and replication. Despite their importance, information about the structure of these RNPs is scarce. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of a biologically active recombinant RNP by cryo-electron microscopy. The structure shows a nonameric nucleoprotein ring (at 12 Å resolution) with two monomers connected to the polymerase complex (at 18 Å resolution). Docking the atomic structures of the nucleoprotein and polymerase domains, as well as mutational analyses, has allowed us to define the interactions between the functional elements of the RNP and to propose the location of the viral RNA. Our results provide the first model for a functional negative-stranded RNA virus ribonucleoprotein complex. The structure reported here will serve as a framework to generate a quasi-atomic model of the molecular machine responsible for viral RNA synthesis and to test new models for virus RNA replication and transcription